Why we love old movie locations — especially the Iverson Movie Ranch

For an introduction to this blog and to the growing interest in historic filming locations such as the Iverson Movie Ranch — the most widely filmed outdoor location in movie and TV history — please read the site's introductory post, found here.
• Your feedback is appreciated — please leave comments on any of the posts.
• To find specific rock features or look up movie titles, TV shows, actors and production people, see the "LABELS" section — the long alphabetical listing on the right side of the page, below.
• To join the MAILING LIST, send me an email at iversonfilmranch@aol.com and let me know you'd like to sign up.
• I've also begun a YouTube channel for Iverson Movie Ranch clips and other movie location videos, which you can get to by clicking here.
• Readers can email the webmaster at iversonfilmranch@aol.com

Monday, March 28, 2022

We will be giving a presentation Saturday, May 28, on the
Movie History of the San Fernando Valley — and honoring
actor Darby Hinton from the TV series "Daniel Boone"

Special presentation Saturday, May 28, at Valley Relics Museum in Van Nuys, Calif.

The webmaster of the Iverson Movie Ranch Blog will present "Movie History of the San Fernando Valley" at 4 p.m. Saturday, May 28, 2022, at Valley Relics Museum in Van Nuys, Calif., with special guest Darby Hinton, who starred as Izzy Boone, Daniel Boone's young son, on the popular TV series "Daniel Boone" from 1964-1970. I hope you'll come up and say howdy!
Please click here for tickets.