Why we love old movie locations — especially the Iverson Movie Ranch

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Lone Ranger and Tonto in the Garden of the Gods

"The Lone Ranger" TV show (1949)

Here are a couple of shots from early episodes of the "Lone Ranger" TV show (1949), also used in the 1952 movie version. The photo above provides sort of a concentrated glimpse at the combined heft of the major figures in Garden of the Gods on the Lower Iverson Movie Ranch — the Quintessentials, if you will. On the left are the Three Kings, including Tower Rock, or Indian Head, the tall figure just behind the Lone Ranger. To the right of Indian Head is a little glimpse of Pebblehead in the background. At right is a portion of the Sphinx, or Eagle Beak.

Another shot taken in the same area shows the rest of the Sphinx, aka Eagle Beak — including revealing the reason it's called the Sphinx — as it does bear some resemblance to the one in Egypt. To the right of Eagle Beak is the Phantom. Here's a more current look at the Phantom.

1 comment:

Billy Sargent said...

With respect to 'The gatling gun'; one of your photos is captioned "...Mr. Gatling's pride & joy..."
I respectfully submit that Doctor Gatling invented this machine in hope that it would be too horrific to use, a 'nuclear option' as you adroitly put it- would that it were true! Dr. Gatling erred in assuming that, faced with the mechanized, inhumane carnage such weapons would create, the leaders of men would stay their hands rather than commit their armies to wholesale slaughter. Imagine Dr. Gatling's dumbfounded shock when he learned to his dismay that his fellow man was not just capable, but eagre to acquire the tool yielding the means to do just that.
No, I have read that Dr. Gatling was anything but proud or joyful with the reality of his invention which he hoped would make war no more.