Why we love old movie locations — especially the Iverson Movie Ranch

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Old Man of the Gorge and the Three Amigos — as seen in the TV show "Laramie" and in the real world today

"Laramie" TV show (1960) — the Three Amigos (the rocks)

Here's a screen shot from a "Laramie" episode titled "Saddle and Spur," which premiered March 29, 1960, late in season one of the show's four-season run on NBC. The rocks featured in the shot consist mainly of a group I call the Three Amigos, which have been featured before on the blog.

The Three Amigos as they appear today

I'm always glad when I can point out that old movie rocks have survived, and I'm happy to note that all of the main rocks seen in the Laramie shot are still with us. These days they share their world with some nearby condos, but the rocks remain one of the star attractions in what's left of the Upper Gorge on the former Iverson Movie Ranch.

These are the three distinct "Amigos" seen in the "Laramie" shot.

One of the Three Amigos is also known as the Old Man of the Gorge. (The other two Amigos are pretty much just the "other Two Amigos.")

The Old Man of the Gorge — as he appears today

Here's a closeup of the Old Man of the Gorge in recent times.

Even the smaller rocks seen in the "Laramie" shot have survived.

This shot highlights the smaller rocks, as they appear in the recent shot of the area. In another bit of good news, all of the rocks seen here stand on park property and are openly available to be visited by the public.

Take the 118 Freeway to Topanga in Chatsworth, Calif., head south on Topanga to the first light, which is Santa Susana Pass Road, turn right at Santa Susana Pass Road, then take the first right onto Redmesa Road. Park before you get to the condos, and these rocks are on the east side of Redmesa, the right side.

Lone Ranger Rock

You'll also find Lone Ranger Rock in that part of the Gorge — on the east side of Redmesa Road. (Watch your step as you make your way down into the Gorge, and be on the lookout for rattlesnakes and poison oak.)

Gate into Garden of the Gods on the other side of Redmesa — the west side

The park is not marked as a park on the east side of the road, where the Three Amigos and Lone Ranger Rock can be found, but the area is open to the public (below the condos only). On the other side of Redmesa Road, the west side, you'll find the slightly better-posted Garden of the Gods park preserve, including the gate shown above.


Bob Lindall said...

Thanks for taking the time and energy to make these posts - I, along with many others, really appreciate it!!
Merry Christmas, Bob

Swami Nano said...

Thanks for your kind words, Bob.

I really enjoy doing this, and I'm always glad when I hear people get something out of it.

Have a rock-tacular holiday!